Sandra’s Story: Featherstone Primary Academy

The training sessions also clarify and highlight the differences in English and French grammar. It has given me a new found confidence in helping children learn the basics of the French language in a fun way. The power points and printable resources (word mats) have been invaluable and are used during every lesson. Questions, phrases and key vocabulary can be displayed in the classroom.
Children enjoy the lessons, albeit a varying range of understanding, however, they are all willing to have a go! The topics are meaningful and relate to ‘real life’. Even if children can’t remember whole sentences, they have definitely become more fluent at high-frequency words. Overall, I have really enjoyed the opportunity to work with Five Plus Solutions and as a non-teacher appreciated the support and structure of the programme. Without such structure, I believe I would have struggled and I feel that I have actually gained knowledge of French and am much more confident in my delivery. If I can do it, anyone can!